I. Quantum Satellite
- A quantum satellite is a communications satellite that uses quantum physics to secure its signals
- It uses quantum key distribution (QKD) to secure messages.
- China & Japan have successfully demonstrated Quantum Communication experiments from satellite to ground.
- European Space Agency (ESA) is developing a technology demonstration satellite called Eagle-1.
- Germany’s Qube satellite was launched in August 2023 for the same purpose.
- Quantum Key Distribution securely shares encryption keys such that any eavesdropping can be detected, aborting the transmission if compromised
II.E-Daakhil portal
- The E-Daakhil portal was launched on 7th September 2020 by the National Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission
- It was introduced under the Consumer Protection Act of 2019.
- It is a paperless and hassle-free mechanism for filing and resolving consumer complaints online
- It lets consumers file complaints, pay fees, and track cases from home
- Registration is simple via OTP on mobile phones or email addresses.
- The government is also developing e-Jagriti, a platform to enhance case filing and resolution, aiming to transform consumer justice in India.